Sunday, August 5, 2012

There No Such Thing as an Ugly Woman

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Have you ever seen a lady walk by and tell yourself, “She’s ugly.”? After a few weeks, have you ever seen this same “ugly” person that you describe and finally find her beautiful? Ladies, it’s not about how you look or how much make up you put on that determines whether you’d be ugly or not. Don’t sit in a corner thinking you’ll never lose weight or never be as gorgeous as the models you see on the magazines. It’s about three main things: charisma, confidence and style. If you want to feel and look beautiful, follow these three steps and you’ll steal any show!

Step 1. Confidence
The most important aspect of your personality that you have to work on is your confidence. Learn to look up when you walk, don’t look down! Set your back straight and walk with poise. Let others know that you feel confident about yourself and make them see that nothing can put you down.

Step 2. Charisma
Charisma is defined as a persuasive charm or undeniable attractiveness that can influence and inspire the people around you. Now there’s a difference between being bossy and having charisma, being bossy is ordering people around. While being charismatic allows people to see you as a leader and an inspiration. So how do you do this? Simple. After gaining confidence, learn to be a little outgoing and learn to stand on your own two feet. For example, imagine yourself in a meeting filled with your bosses. If you have an idea, speak up and be heard. This is how you gain attention. There’s nothing more attractive than a woman knowing what she wants.

Step 3. Style
The last thing you have to tweak about yourself is your sense of fashion. The clothes you wear are as important as the words that come out of your mouth. Being well-dressed is the key to being beautiful. Take this for example, in a conference room, who would you nominate? The lady wearing a simple shirt and jeans, or the lady dressed up in a corset covered up with a blazer and tight skirt? Evidently, we don’t need to tell you the answer to that question.

Those are the three secrets to look and feel beautiful. It all starts in you. How can you look beautiful if you don’t feel beautiful? It doesn’t matter if you’re fat or you think you’re ugly, it’s all about these three steps. So if you want to start looking great, start today by checking and purchasing our fab dresses, tops, skirts and shoes!

Written by:
Clement Fajardo