Saturday, September 22, 2012

FASHION-ON-THE-DOT: Trishie Couture

 Since we didn't actually finish the entire show, this article will be written a little less formal, more of a blog-type writing style.

Months of preparation were needed to organize this sublime event. As you can see from the poster, this was held at the Palladium near the New World Hotel at Makati. The event transpired on September 20, 2012.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, there were three fashion designers who showed off their new designs to the general public. First was Acee's Clothing (not sure of the spelling), next was Pink Fashion, and then (saving the best for last), Trishie's Couture.

It sure did take a lot of effort to organize this event. Although one of the downsides to the event was that it didn't start on time. The event proper actually started at almost 12 Midnight. This is the reason to why we weren't able to finish the event (being college students), we still had classes the next day; which was a bummer.

Another downside of the event was the open bar. Open bars are not necessarily a bad thing, but it would have been better and easier to handle the crowd if the drinks they received were more classy. Like wine or champagne. Or even a punch. Similar to the fashion shows you've seen in the movie Devil Wears Prada.

The lighting was another problem. We couldn't see the designs as clearly. Moreover, the event may also have progressed smoothly if there were enough seats for everyone. Yes, we did understand the first come and first serve basis but there weren't enough seats to cater for half the attendees.


Evidently, the clothes portrayed during the show deserves a thumbs up. Most of them were original, designed by the artist themselves, and to think all these new fashion designers are young? Makes it even more fabulous.

Other people may comment on the models. They might say that these aren't actually models. Which is true. They aren't models. However, I think what the owner/organizer (Trishie) wanted to accomplish was to show the people that the clothes she designed were meant for common-folk. People who aren't nearly as perfect as the models we see on television. Moreover, most of her ramp models had a lot of attitude, which is great for these kind of modelling.

Prizes, prizes, prizes. This is one of my favorite parts. Even if the show was about Trishie's Couture, it still recognized the fashion sense of other fashion-fanatics who attended the event. Best-makeup, best clothes, and a lot of other giveaways. There's two things for certain though, she sure knows how to respect her competition and she sure knows who to attract a crowd.

To sum it all up, we at Zielah's believe that the event was a success. Yes everything has its ups and downs, but considering this is the first time Trishie's Couture has organized an event like this, it surely is a success. One of the most important things in any event whatsoever is the attendees or number of participants, if you can attract a crowd, you definitely have an influence over them.

In addition, Trishie's Couture brought a new way of showing off fashion to the world. The mix up of party and show kept people's adrenaline rush on high gear. This ensured that no one got bored and everyone was "alive."


Clement Fajardo

Jameila Bito-on. A photographer from the couture actually took a picture of her because
of the dress. The photographer said that Jam would appear in a fashion magazine.

Zielah Ablong showing off her Egyptian style clothing.

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  1. Replies
    1. Ohhhh <3 Thanks girl ;) Hihi mas sexy ka nga bhebe :) Really, di ko mapaghahalataan <3 Excited tuloi ako makita ka in person! ^^ See you sooon! :*
