Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Improve Your Lovelife Today

Photography: Jameila Bito-on
Models: Zielah Ablong / Clement Fajardo

Dating can really be fun. In fact, you can never be involved in any kind of relationship if the date ends in utter disaster. Where else would you get the chance to know the future love of your life? Dating is about two main things, how interesting you are and how well you project yourself. You might be the most handsome or charming guy around. You might even be the sexiest woman in the world. However, no matter how good of a chance you think you’ve got, why does the date always end in frustration?

Reason #1. You don’t dress to impress.
For Men. It’s not about being handsome. Neither is it about timing your punch lines. The first and foremost thing ladies look at is how you project yourself. Don’t go to a date with morning glory all over your face. Before you go to any date, make sure you dress to impress.

For Women. The biggest mistake you can ever make is wearing too much makeup. But don’t get the wrong idea, makeup is a good thing for a first date. However, too much of it can result in a wardrobe malfunction. Moreover, forget about wearing clothes that are too revealing. You don’t want to be sending the guy the wrong signal. If you're having a hard time looking for clothes, click here!

Reason #2. You talk way too much.
For Men. Guys. Listen up. Girls don’t like showoffs. Don’t go bragging about the stuff you have, how much money you have, or how great your body looks like. The secret is to let the girl find out herself. Find a way to do that, and you’ll find the way to her heart.

For Women. Although guys might love listening to your stories, remember that too much of anything is never a good thing. Look for body signals that can tell you when the guy’s heard enough. Usually when a guy’s getting bored with your stories, he’d probably do any of these three things. One, he’d starting drawing his attention on other things by looking away while nodding at you. Two, unless he has diarrhea, he’s been gone to the restroom more than once. And three, he’s rushing to finish his meal.

Reason #3. You’re too shy.
For Men. Most women expect guys to be the dominant person in any relationship. That’s why it’s important to have a little confidence. Don’t allow a woman think you can’t handle a simple conversation. Always try to open up new topics. Before you go to any date, have a list of questions and topics you can suggest.

For Women. Unless the guy is a total douchebag, be open to talk about anything. Your role in the date is to keep the conversation interesting by enticing him with stories that made you the person you are today. But remember, the trick is to keep him wanting to hear more. This is your key to that second date.  

Photography: Jameila Bito-on
Models: Clement Fajardo / Zielah Ablong

Reason #4. You give the wrong compliments.
For Men. Most women don’t like it when you tell them how sexy they are. Instead, tell them how slim they look. Remember that there is a very fine line between giving a good compliment to giving a terrible one. Try conjuring some lines such as, “do you go to the gym often? I just love your figure.” Moreover, at the end of a date. You’d want to keep them guessing. So after any date, try to say something like this, “you know, there’s only one thing I like about a woman. And from all the women I’ve dated, you were the only one who’s got it.” But don’t tell them what it is until your next date.

For Women. Guys just love compliments; and those compliments consist of three main topics. One, how good they look. Two, how well they dress up. And three, how they make you feel. If you give a guy compliments that revolve around these three topics, you’re all set. But be careful, you don’t want to make the guy’s head too big.

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